***************************** ***** ***** Short and Simple Command to NAG * NAGGER/REMINDER PROGRAM V2 * you of upcomming appointments and * Copyright (c) 1991 * tasks ect... *********************************** Specifically, If thoust has a procrastination problem... NAGRMP.LZH files: NAGRMP2.exe The nagger program. NAGRMP.txt This terrible documentation. Dfile Example Dfile. As it is, the program will display events up to five days before, and including, its completion date. For example, If in march you need to pay your bills on the 15th, the program will display the task starting on the 10th and will continue to display this task until the 16th. Of course one must have an accurate system clock. Now for the program: The program operates with a textfile that contains various "Date" entries. This Date File can be placed anywhere and can have any name, though the default path is S:Dfile. Command Form (CLI): NAGRMP2.exe [Full path to Date file] "NAGRMP2.exe" without a path argument reverts to its default "S:Dfile". And No, the "?" argument is not implemented!!! All entries in the Date File must be in the following format and the text discription no greater then 80 characters in length per line. (Incredible results are obtained when deviating from this format. Remember error checking requires more code and thus a larger program.) FORMAT: DATE TEXT xx/xx/xx This is the text for the task description. (80 characters) EX: 01/02/91 Pay my stupid %^&%$ bills or go bankrupt! 01/01/91 Deposit paycheck in savings. Your going broke. 02/08/91 Get books for school report. **/12/** The dreaded house payment! 04/15/** The IRS comes a call'in. It is important to maintain the exact format above or strange things may occur. Digits less then ten must be preceeded by a zero. (So what, just a little more care in typing is required) Speaking of strange, the last two examples above are special cases for reoccurring tasks. The double asterick can be used in place of both the month and year. What these do is force the program to use the current month or year or month and year. As an example, suppose your house payment is due on the 12th day of every month for the next 20 years. By combining the double astricks, the program will warn you 5 days in advance every month of every year. Another example is the when the Tax man comes to visit every year on the 15th day and the 4th month. The double astrick used for year enables the program to warn you in time regardless of the year. Well, you get the idea of the double astrick... *NOTE: The double astrick supports only the year and month* The Date File can be any size and no order of the entries is required. (See middle entry 01/01/91 above.) One check is made to see if the days in a month is correct. A day/month error will be reported when dates (Such as 02/32/91 ect...) have illegal day or month values. To make use of the nagger program you should change your startup- sequence as such: Line 1: Setclock load /* Do this to insure the correct system time.*/ Line 2: Nagrmp2.exe [path] /* Call nagger program in C: dir */ Line 4: **Rest of startup** Simple as that... This program was created to serve my purposes, but Im sure you can find a use for it. The main reason I did this update was when I noticed that dates would not show up when required, as well as a flaw in the date calculations. A few other bugs were also repaired I hope! I also spiffed up the display a bit. And lastly, when the current time is equal to an entry in the date file, it will be marked and displayed in italics... If you use this program and find a nasty critter, leave E-mail to I.MT.JOY here on Genie. Id like to hear about it... So far it seems to work!